Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Piglets & Construction Work

8 piglets were born yesterday. The sale of piglets is an important source of income for the centre. A 3-month old piglet sells for 35,000 Tshs (approximately $28 (US) ).

Meanwhile, workers are busy digging for the new septic tank and working on the new bathroom/toilets.

Webmaster Thomas (that's me) took photos and updated the website, for which he received tea, bread, and a fried egg. I call it a good trade.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rosemary Garden & New Bathroom Construction

Below is a picture of Good Hope's vegetable garden, nicknamed Rosemary Garden. The vegetables grown there help supplement the children's diet and help cushion our pocketbook.

Next is a picture of a new bathroom under construction. It will have separate facilities for boys & girls. We expect to have it ready by mid November 2009.